Why Choose Success.ai  for Company Data?

Unparalleled Global Coverage

Gain access to 30M+ company profiles across 200+ countries and industries.

Accurate & Verified Data

Powered by AI and manual validation, our datasets boast a 99% accuracy rate with continuous updates.

Custom, Hands-On Service

No complex setups or irrelevant data packages required.
Share your requirements, and our team delivers precise, tailored datasets directly to you.

Affordable & Flexible

Enterprise-grade data solutions at the most competitive market rates

Global Dataset Coverage

Region Company Profiles
North America 12M+
Europe 8M+
Asia 6M+
South America 2M+
Africa 1M+
Oceania 0.5M+
Middle East 0.5M+

Sample  Company Profile

  "company_name": "Brightwave",
  "company_domain": "brightwave.com",
  "company_linkedin_url": "https://linkedin.com/company/brightwave",
  "company_description": "Leading provider of marketing solutions.",
  "company_location": "New York, New York, United States",
  "company_industry": "Marketing & Advertising",
  "company_employee_count": 500,
  "company_technologies_used": ["Salesforce", "HubSpot"],
  "company_funding_information": {
    "total_funding": 50000000,
    "last_funding_date": "2023-04-01"

Ready to   See Results?

Join businesses that have shortened sales cycles, improved outreach, and expanded into new markets—all powered by Success.ai’s comprehensive, affordable company data.

Key  Features

30M+ company profiles enriched with actionable insights.

Data points include company name, domain, LinkedIn URL, location, industry, employee count, technologies used, and funding information.

Seamless integration via Parquet, CSV, or your preferred format.

GDPR-compliant and approved for legitimate, compliant use cases.

Ready to unlock the largest company dataset for your business?

Ready to unlock the largest company dataset for your business?

Why Success.ai Stands Out

Global Reach: 30M+ company profiles spanning all industries and regions.

Data Accuracy: Multi-sourced, AI-validated data with manual verification for 99% accuracy.

Affordable Pricing: Enterprise-grade datasets at unmatched rates.

Tailored Solutions: We deliver exactly what you need—no fluff, no waste.

Enrich Your First-Party Data with Success.ai’s Intelligence

Combine your own data with Success.ai’s vast database to create a complete view of every account. Activate insights with cloud-based solutions that give your team the competitive edge.

Why Our B2B Data Stands Out

B2B data accuracy can fluctuate, but Success.ai combines AI, machine learning, and expert validation to ensure you're working with the best possible data.

Multi-sourced and AI-validated for maximum accuracy.
Continuous updates to keep your data fresh.

Easy reporting of incorrect data for human verification

Use Cases for  Company Data

Ready to transform your strategy with actionable company insights?


 Is your data compliant with privacy laws?

Absolutely. We adhere to GDPR, CCPA, and other major regulations.

How quickly can I start using the data?

We usually deliver customized datasets within hours of your request.

Can I request custom fields?

Yes! Our custom service tailors data precisely to your requirements.

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Try Success.ai  No credit card required

Unlock unlimited access to 700M+ B2B leads, with unlimited email sending & warm-up. Supercharge your growth now with Success.ai!