Key Benefits

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Comprehensive Dataset: 700M+ LinkedIn profiles and 70M+ company records.

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Global Coverage: Data across industries and geographies.

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Rich Insights: 40+ data points per profile, including professional history, education, and more.

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AI-Enhanced: Maximum accuracy and relevance.

Ready to access the largest LinkedIn data source?

Technical Specifications

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File Format: Delivered in Parquet for seamless integration.

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Freshness: Profiles updated daily for accuracy.

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Usage: Approved for legitimate, compliant use cases.

Maximize your business intelligence.

Why Choose’s B2B & B2C Contact Data Solutions?

Unparalleled Coverage

300M+ global contact records across industries and geographies.

Accuracy & Freshness

AI-validated data updated daily for 98%+ accuracy.

Custom Datasets Tailored for Your Needs

Don’t pay for data you don’t need - Get accurate and focused data

Best Price & Quality Guarantee

Enterprise-level data at the most competitive market rates.

Global Dataset Coverage

Region Company Profiles
North America 240M+
Europe 173M+
Asia 300M+
South America 85M+
Africa 46M+
Oceania 15M+
Middle East 17M+

Scale your reach globally.

Schedule FREE Consultation
  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "linkedinUrl": "",
  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "country": "United States",
  "location": "San Francisco, California",
  "profile_picture": "",
  "title": "Marketing Manager",
  "currentIndustry": "Marketing and Advertising",
  "expertise": ["Digital Marketing", "SEO", "Content Strategy"],
  "languages": ["English", "Spanish"],
  "summary": "Experienced marketing professional with over 10 years of expertise in digital marketing and brand management.",
  "priorIndustries": ["Retail", "Technology"],
  "phone_numbers": "3512911060",
  "work_email": "",
  "personal_email": "",
  "emails": ["", ""],
  "functional_area": ["Marketing"],
  "seniority_level": ["Senior"],
  "experience": [
      "company": "TechCorp",
      "companyUrl": "",
      "country": "United States",
      "current": true,
      "endDate": null,
      "industry": "Technology",
      "location": "San Francisco, California",
      "maxEmployeeSize": 5000,
      "minEmployeeSize": 1001,
      "sequenceNo": 1,
      "startDate": "2015-08-01",
      "summary": "Responsible for leading digital marketing strategies and campaigns, resulting in a 40% increase in brand engagement.",
      "title": "Marketing Manager",
      "companyUrl_cleaned": "",
      "companyLinkedinUrl": ""
      "company": "Startup XYZ",
      "companyUrl": "",
      "country": "United States",
      "current": false,
      "endDate": "2015-07-01",
      "industry": "Technology",
      "location": "New York, New York",
      "maxEmployeeSize": 50,
      "minEmployeeSize": 11,
      "sequenceNo": 2,
      "startDate": "2013-01-01",
      "summary": "Managed marketing coordination for product launches and branding initiatives.",
      "title": "Marketing Coordinator",
      "companyUrl_cleaned": "",
      "companyLinkedinUrl": ""
  "education": [
      "campus": "University of California, Berkeley",
      "endDate": "2012-06-01",
      "major": "Marketing",
      "sequenceNo": 1,
      "specialization": "Digital Marketing",
      "startDate": "2008-08-15",
      "universityUrl": ""
  "publications": [
      "date": "2020-07-01T00:00:00Z",
      "description": "We present a native XML database for advanced digital marketing analytics.",
      "issue": "Marketing Insights",
      "title": "Revolutionizing Marketing with Data",
      "url": ""
  "certifications": [
      "description": "Coursera Course Certificates",
      "title": "Google Analytics Certified"
  "awards": [
    "Marketer of the Year",
    "Top 100 Digital Marketers Award"
  "memberships": [
      "beginDate": "November 2016",
      "endDate": "November 2017",
      "name": "American Marketing Association",
      "title": "Member"
  "patents": [
      "date": "2019-05-01",
      "description": "Innovative content marketing system.",
      "reference": "US8964282B2",
      "title": "Content Personalization Framework",
      "url": ""

Why Choose’s Linked DB?

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Unparalleled Coverage: 700M+ profiles and 70M+ companies.

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Accuracy & Freshness: AI-validated and updated daily.

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Best Price & Quality Guarantee: Top-quality data at the best price on the market.

Discover the impact of world-class LinkedIn data.

Schedule FREE Consultation

Use Cases:

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Sales Prospecting & Lead Generation: Build precise lead lists to engage decision-makers.

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Recruitment & Talent Sourcing: Find top candidates with detailed profiles.

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Market Expansion: Identify emerging markets and key players globally.

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Competitor Analysis: Gain insights into hiring trends and growth.

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Account-Based Marketing: Enrich campaigns with tailored contact data.

Unlock limitless possibilities for your data needs.

Schedule FREE Consultation

People Profiles:

  • North America: 240M+
  • Europe: 173M+
  • Asia: 300M+
  • South America: 85M+
  • Africa: 46M+
  • Oceania: 15M+
  • Middle East: 17M+

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